Klatle-Bhi Moon Mask Zip Pouch
51-51-705 $17.00
Cotton Zip pouch with Moon Mask design by Klatle-Bhi. Made in Canada. 5.5" x 6.5"
Klatle-Bhi (pronounced “Klath-Bay”) is an artist of Squamish and Kwakwaka’wakw ancestry. He grew up in the Kwakiutl culture of mask dancing, singing, and potlatching and has played a prominent role in the recent revival of the sea-going canoe journeys. Klatle-Bhi’s art is an expression of his personal and spiritual journey, as well as a reflection of his respective cultures. The art of Klatle-Bhi is reproduced in collaboration with the artist and royalties are paid to the artist on each item sold.